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BeeBee Kingdom’s Aims and Aspirations辦學

BeeBeeKingdom is established by professionals, parents and teachers who enthusiastically combine prenursery childrens’natural instinct to play with a solid foundation for their school life to come.  We provide a clean, comfortable and safe environment for children to receive high quality pre-nursery education.  In order to stimulate childrens development, BeeBee Kingdom has specially designed a series of playgroups and interest courses that are amusing as well as instructive.  Our teaching staff is experienced, thoroughly trained and carefully selected.







Mr. Tim Wilson, educated in US and France, is a former principal flutist of the HK Philharmonic. He has long been active as an educator in Hong Kong and his students have met with great success both here and abroad. Wilson is currently teaching in Hong Kong Chinese University, Hong Kong Baptist University and Hong Kong Academy and Performing Arts.


Course Director課程總監

Mrs. Angel Woo Graduated from Hong Kong Baptist University, BA Honours and was granted the Scholastic Award. She also holds two professional diplomas from the HKAPA and the LRSM. She has twenty years teaching experience and has worked in administrative positions for a variety of educational institutions. She has been faculty at Hong Kong Baptist University, Holy Trinity College and Beethoven Music and Arts Studio. She is currently a Director of the PTA at Glenealy School, ESF.  Woo has specially designed a series of courses for BeeBee Kingdom including Bee Playgroup, Little Musician and Social Skills and Manners.



Mrs. Kitty Sham has been teaching for more than ten years. She has taught in kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools, non-profit organizations and church. She is very experienced in dealing with children of all ages. Sham has had professional training and has qualifications in the following fields:

- Playgroup instructor
- Gymnastics for Early Childhood
- Emotion and autism evaluation and training for children
- Massage tutoring for baby
- Mental health and rescue training
- Nutrition and dietary health for children
- Child Centered Play Therapy
- Awana: Sparks, Cubbies & Juggles tutor
Ms Sham has been teaching at BeeBee kingdom since 2011. Currently she teaches at a church and also is a consultant for the popular nurturing magazine "Pregnancy".


女士 曾接受專業培訓包括:幼兒遊戲小組導師、幼兒體育幼師深造證書課程、兒童為本遊戲治療輔導、遊戲治療與兒童情緒、自閉症兒童的評估及訓練、嬰兒按摩導師、精神健康急救訓練、營養及健康飲食、兒童心理健康指導、Awana(Sparks, Cubbies & Puggles) 導師課。



幼兒成長顧問導師 / Superbaby 親子課程導師

鍾文浩先生 嬰幼兒腦科及體智發展專家曾任「學前教育」雜誌-幼兒發展顧問現任「荷花集團」親子雜誌-幼兒發展顧問曾於不同社區及兒童中心如明愛、青協及循道衛理中心舉辦多次兒童智能課程,並設計不同課程及智能遊戲。

他所創作及教授的課程包括「Super Babe」活寶寶、樂智行、Super Child - ACE幼兒智能培訓大行動、「Super Teens」至叻少年智能發展課程、「兒童AQ大躍進」訓練坊、「魔法英語」、「Super Parent」精明父母培訓班、「複製比爾o蓋茨」、「世界文化村」英語課程等講者及導師,亦曾任嶺南大學及樹仁學院講座講者,培育過超過600個寶寶,年齡最少為2個半月幼兒。

文浩先生 所教授之Playgroup綜合了英國、美國、日本及台灣200多個對超級學習的研究,配合本地教學的經驗,針對適齡嬰幼兒的發展透過遊戲作出輔導及刺激,發展一套與別不同的全人學習系統。課程由擁有豐富幼兒教育經驗,曾修讀「兒童腦科及體智發展學」課程、教育心理學及從事兒童智能行為研究導師授課。


BeeFun  資深英語課程導師

Miss Yoyo Yu has obtained the Higher Diploma of Business Studies from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and holds a Bachelor of Science (Hons) Accounting from The University of Hull, UK. Also, she has completed a program of “English Language and Cultural Activities” in The University of Queensland Australia. Miss Yu is an enthusiastic and patient person with great experience. She has been a tutor of students with dyslexia in primary schools and is currently the English course tutor and Buzzy Bee Tutor in BeeBee Kingdom.

余嘉瑤小姐 持有香港中文大學工商管理系高級文憑;於“ Universityof Hull Bachelor of Science (Hons) Accounting “修畢學士學位課程;又於澳洲昆士蘭大學修讀“ English Language and Cultural Activities “ 英語課程。余小姐為人積極有耐性,熱愛教育工作,教學經驗豐富,曾於小學擔任讀寫障礙班導師;現任小蜜蜂BeeFun英語課程及小學英文專科班導師。

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